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The information below is for reference purposes only.
Opticon CRD21 is equipped with charging and communication features for the Opticon H21 1D and H21 2D.Two slots provide charging of both the docked terminal and a spare battery. External communication is supported by the USB interface.
Technical details
HID = Human Input Device ; output emulated like a keyboard.
The data is entered at the point of the cursor or current focus (in a form).
Language and keyboard selection need to match between scanner and host!
VCP = Virtual Comm Port ; output is send to the assigned comm port.
In most cases a driver is neccessary!
MSD = Mass Storage Device ; emulates storage like an USB-stick.
Plugging in the device in this mode makes the devices' internal storage directly accessible from your host.
In general in Windows you will see a pop-up/notification of a drive letter that has been mounted.
OTG = On The Go ; enables the USB port to act as a host on PDA's/smartphones and tablets, allowing input from a keyboard.
The data is entered at the point of the cursor or current focus (in a form).
Language and keyboard selection need to match between scanner and host!
Wired Ethernet connection via DHCP or Fixed IP.
Older supported protocols:
Communication through Microsoft ActiveSync.
Communication through the wired direct RS232 protocol.
Old style PS/2 connections for keyboard/mouse communication.
- ActiveSync